How well do you know Japanese? It’s not a problem even if you don’t know about any Japanese. However, These are some useful phrases which you can use in a restaurant. These will help make your trip easier in Japan.
When you order
①Suimasen – Excuse me
This is used like excuse me. It is often used when talking to people. So you can use it when calling a waiter/waitress to order.
②Ikura-desuka – How much?
This is used when asking how much something costs. Ikura can also be used on it’s own.
③Kudasai – Please
This is the phrase you use after you order something. For example, you can say Sushi wo kudasai if you want to order Sushi.
④Ijyou-desu – That’s all
This is the phrase you use when you have finished ordering. Waiters/Waitress might ask you 「Ijyou-desuka?」. It means 「Is that all?」. And then, you say Hai (yes) if that’s right.
I didn’t order this
This is the phrase you use when you get what you don’t order.
When you pay the check
In Japan, you bring your check to the cash register. You can call any staff member if no one is there. Suimasen can be used in this situation.
– Can I have a chack?
This is the phrase to use when you want to pay.
– Can I use a credit card?
Most stores acceept credit cards. So you don’t have to carry alot of Japanese Yen with you
③Oishii-katta-desu – It was good!
This is the phrase you use when you appreciate it
– Where is the restroom?
It also can be used when you’re in a department store or station.
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